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From 08/17/2019 to 09/17/2019 we double the amount of payment!
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Sunday, August 18, 2019
Changing the order of charging the subscription fee
Now, the subscription fee is charged every 30 days after activation, and not on the 1st day of every month.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Special offer x2!
If you pay from August 17 to September 17, 2019, your account will be credited with twice as much money!
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Fixed issue with card payments
We fixed an error when paying by bank cards and electronic money, in which an error message appeared after payment
Sunday, August 4, 2019
Attention! Server migration august 8th!
On August 8, from 21 Moscow time until the end of work (approximately 6 am), our site will not work!
Saturday, August 3, 2019
The correction in the copy settings
Now work with copying settings has become more obvious to users!
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Changing the order of charging the subscription fee

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Due to numerous requests from customers, we have changed the order of charging the subscription fee.

Previously, the subscription fee was charged on the 1st day of each month and if, for example, the payment was made on the 15th, then the situation turned out when the client's funds were written off before the end of the month (from the 15th to the 30th, i.e. half of the amount of the subscription fee), and on the as a result, some money hung on the balance sheet and the client had to replenish the balance again to continue working.

This arrangement has upset both customers and created a difficulty in accounting Finance. As a result, we changed the work of billing and now he writes off the subscriber completely for a month at the time of activation and the next time will write off after 30 days, not the 1st.

For example - if you paid on September 10, the next charge will be on October 10.

An important point to consider - the write-off will be in 30 days, and not depending on the number of days in the month. Thus and in August (where 31 day) and in February (28 days) write-off will precisely through 30 days.